Algorithm 15 – Advanced Union & Find


Union by Rank

Considering the union-find dat structure we’ve implemented in the Kruskal algorithm, it’s actually based on the size of a given set. However, here we’d like to introduce a rank-based solution and then a path-compression-based solution.

  • Invariant (for now): $\text{rank}[x] = \max$ # for hops from a leaf to $x$( which is the root of a tree). Also note that $\max_x\text{rank}[x] \approx $ Worst-case running time of FIND.
  • Union by Rank: Make old root with smaller rank child of the root with the larger rank.


  • For all objects $x$, $\text{rank}[x]$ only goes up over time.
  • Only ranks of roots can go up [once $x$ not a root, then $\text{rank}[x]$ frozen forevermore].
  • Ranks strictly increase along a path to the root.

Rank Lemma

Considering an arbitrary sequence of UNION (+ FIND) operations. For every $r \in Z^+$, there are at most $n/2^r$ objects with rank $r$.

Corollary: Max rank always $\le \log n$

Corollary: Worst-case running time of FIND, UNION is $O(\log n)$.

Path Compression

Idea: Why bother traversing a leaf-root path multiple times?

path compression: After FIND(x), install shortcuts (i.e. revise parent pointers) to $x$’s root all along the $x \rightarrow$ root path.

Con: Constant-factor overhead to FIND.

Pro: Speeds up subsequent FINDs.

Hopcroft-Ullman Theorem

Theorem: With union by rank and path compression, $m$ Union+FInd operations take $O(m \log^n)$ time, where $\log ^n=$ the number of times you need to apply $\log$ to $n$ before the result is $\le 1$.

Tarjan’s Bound

Theorem: With Union by Rank and path compression, $m$ UNION + FIND operations take $O(m\alpha)$ time, where $\alpha(n)$ is the inverse Ackerman function.

The Ackerman Function

**Definition ** $A_k(r)$ for all integers $k$ and $r \ge 1$.

Base case: $A_0(r)=r+1$ for all $r\ge 1$

In general: For $k, r \ge 1$: $$ A_k(r) = (A_{k-1}\circ A_{k-1}\cdots \circ A_{k-1})(r) $$ here represents r-fold composition

  • $A_1(r)=2r$
  • $A_2(r)=r2^r$
  • $A_3=$ a tower of $r$ $2$’s $=2^{2^{\cdots^2}}$

The Inverse Ackermann Function

Definition: For every $n\ge 4$, $\alpha(n)=$Minimum value of $k$ such that $A_k(2)\ge n$.

Comparison to $\log ^*$ function.


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